Monday, July 24, 2006

Well, It Has Been Over A Month

Lets see here there has really been a lot going on so I will try to hit the highlights for those of you who still read this, I'm not sure you are out here but if you that is great.

1. I quit my job at Marsh, no I don't have a new one to go to but I will. I think I will temp for a while and then hopefully one of those jobs will become a more permanent one and I will be able to pay all my bills for the next couple of months.

2. I kept my truck because I have to have something to drive and then the sucker caught on fire, yes that was fire. I am okay and now that I have my truck back it is okay too but it scared me and I was ticked off I had only had it for 35 days when it happened.

3. Rob and I are no more, after nearly 2 years together I have made the choice to stop dating him. It was rough and I do still love him but in some ways I wonder if our relationship was holding me here so that I wouldn't take the time to see what else is out there. This was more painful than even the fire in the truck.

4. THE MOST IMPORTANT OF ALL...I finished grad school today. I have a masters degree in business oh my lord I can't believe it. I never knew that it would take me two and a half years but it is done and if I choose I don't have to go to school ever again.

I am sure there is more but I will get to that sooner or later, for now have a good day.