Saturday, November 05, 2005

The Perfect November Day

This morning I got up late because I didn't have to work and I went for a walk. It was perfect outside to say the least. It was 65 degrees and the wind was fairly calm. The sun wasn't shining but I could get over that I suppose. It was nice to be outside in November when there aren't snow flakes flying and sharp winter weather fronts moving through. This November hasn't been one for the record books but it has been different for those of us who grew up here in northern Indiana. November usually means cold chills and winter coats, boots and scarves, not sweatshirts and a comfy pair of pants to go for walk. I didn't worry about freezing to death before I got back and I knew that the walk would be a pleasant one.

The leaves are absolutely stunning, which also doesn't tend to happen into November. The leaves are as bright and as beautiful as ever and the colors more vivid than they have been in years past. I know that winter is coming it is one of the necessary evils that we have to deal with here but I also welcome it and all it stands for.

The purpose of my walk to take time and to think about different things that are going on in my life. I am struggling to find my place and that is more difficult than most things for me and I never thought that would be the case. I'm still in school, I still work at a grocery store, and I still haven't found 'him' yet. I am not saying that I need a man to complete me but I want and crave that compainship that goes with having someone in my life. Work is well work and you won't find a good job until someone is looking to hire someone just like you. This is a leason I have had to force feed myself. Only ten (10) more months of school then I am done for a while. I have worked my butt off to prove myself to my family and there are still those who feel I am not enough or that I don't try enough.

So as I tuck myself in tonight it is 54 outside and slightly drizzly but it is still perfect and heck it could be snow. I will write again soon. I'm sure you have heard that before.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

oh cousin, my cousin...
i'm sorry I haven't been in touch in forever! I just the other day thought about this blog again...I lost all my bookmarked pages because my computer crashed...again. i got your card not too long ago....thank you dearly. :-) hope you are doing well. i'll be home for break Tuesday the 22nd in the afternoon or evening, till sunday the 27th sometime. maybe see you?