Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Hot Hot Hot

It is amazing to me even though I have lived here my whole life how hot it can get in a matter of hours when just a few days ago all it would do is rain, rain, rain, rain, rain, oh did I mention that it did rain here for ten days straight and it was miserable.

School is rough right now, however, I am also very excited that it will be over soon, sooner than I thought it would be in many ways, but not soon enough in so many more. I know I have done a whole lot of whining about school and all of the work that goes into it, but it has been fun and I am a better person in spite of it all. I only have six weeks left then it is off to find a job.

On the job front nothing so far but I am still optimistic that sooner or later there will be something out there for me. I am finally starting to get some stuff paid off slowly but surely and soon I will be done one more credit card and from there it will all start to pay off in pieces. I will own my computer in a week, which is one less payment I have to make and I kind of have some goals for financial freedom set up at least in theory.

My mom and I still fight over stupid stuff but it is okay I guess if she wants to believe what is going on around here is okay then I guess I have no choice but to let her do so. I know that it is just the way she wants to be.

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