Thursday, November 02, 2006

Okay a Bit more Time

Drama, Drama, Drama.

Have I mentioned before that there are times that my family drives me completely nuts, which isn't hard to do because I am nearly there all by myself. I know that seems a bit old news but it is true. The topic of choice is money. The bottom line I really don't have any, which they point out like it is news to me and I am instantly going to be able to make money without any work or time spent redoing my financially status. It is strange that I know that I will be okay and I am at peace about it yet everyone else feels the need to be overly involved in the happenings or for that matter the non-happenings of my current finances. It does seem to me that I am sure there are those out there that are much worse off financially than I am but still what are we going to do.

Not being in school has been wonderful yet a bit unnerving as well. I miss the studying and the time with friends that I once had. I knew what it was like to hang out and laugh with people who were my own age, heck that were the age of my boyfriend but now I spend hours alone and go to bed early because I can't seem to get adjusted to this schedule that I wanted so badly. I do love the schedule but since he works seconds then that means there is very little time for the two of us. I haven't seen him in three weeks and it is about to kill me emotional. I want to be with him I want to be married I need these things we have been working so hard to have these things and I wish that I could make them a part of my everyday life. Now I don't live in a world were marriage will make everything better or that we will live happily ever after for ever and ever but we can communicate, most days, and we are good at expression, he is the first thing that I think about when I wake up and the last thing that I think about when I go to sleep.

I still love my truck and it is nice to have something that is mine and really mine and no one is going to take it away from me for no reason, at least not yet I wouldn't put it past my mother to give it here best shot to be real honest.

I miss everyone hopefully soon I will get to start spending time with my friends again. You can call me though...Just so you know.

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