Wednesday, November 01, 2006

An Update

There are those who still read this, I think. I try to use to to communicate the big things but it seems to fall by the way side as my life takes many uneventful turns. Rob and I are still together and the talk of getting married has become a forfront conversation and the idea is exciting yet very scary. Three kids in one big dive, wow!!! What on earth would I do with that. I know that I will be a good step-mom but I know that there is a need in their life and I could fill some of it.

My new job bores me to pieces, nothing better than simply being an entry level receptionist with a MBA for christ sake. I know that it seems to be a bit odd that I would have such hard core feelings about this after all of the complaining that I did about not haveing a job at all. I am happy to be working but I would be happier to be working in a city that I want to live and in an organization that I feel I am truely being utilized in.

I will post more tomorrow and try to keep it updated.

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