Saturday, July 16, 2005


I left 2 days late and returned 3 days early yet I feel as though over all vacation was a success. My family didn't kill each other or anyone else for that matter however there were several things missing from this trip that have been there all along for so many years.

1. My grandparents--They were unable to join us this year because of illness that has recently over taken their household. It is hard to say if there will be a next year however the question quickly becomes will they be joining those who choose to go.

2. My cousin Staci--I love her so much and I missed her all week, well at least the part that I was there for. This trip was the time she and I sat aside to really bond with each other again. We are both leading very different lives and now we struggle to even set a coffee date. I don't know what the next few years in either one of our lives holds and that is even more difficult for me to deal with than I believe she even realizes. I have had several attempts at moving out and to be overly honest they have always worried me because of the likelihood that we will grow even further apart.

3. Mass craziness--this trip lacked all of those things that have made our family what it is, a bunch of nuts attempting to pretend that nothing is wrong and that the things that go on within it are normal. I mean my aunt and uncle had their, we miss our kids face on, which translates into we miss Stephen, I'm no dummy I know how it works. My mom pretended to be upset with me before they left that I wasn't coming up right away and did an even worse job when I went to head back home.

I know that this is a changing of the guard of sorts but it is still strange. I don't know about Staci but for me it is life changing to draw lines and then amazingly enough sticking to them once they are drawn.

wow what a difference a week makes.


Anonymous said...

Julia, I miss you so much. I missed the trip and nice as being away from my family was (and needed). I think we just have to make it a point to get together...a priority...because I really want to...especially before I have to move an hour and a half south again. This week I could do it Wednesday after 7, and Thursday after lunchtime anytime (day off). Let me or voicemail or something. Sad not goign this year...just not quite right...

Anonymous said...

cousin :-)

Anonymous said...

the anger has officially gotten to a point I can't control now...i'm so freaking tired of family members acting like love rules our lives when we cant speak one decent word to each other for days outside of that situation. i can't do this any longer...i just really can't. i know that's a vent...but you're one person who understands...sorry cuz. love you.