Monday, March 28, 2005

There is no title today because I simply can't think of one to put there. Today was a long day for me mainly because I spent Easter alone and I don't mean alone in a room full of people I mean just me all alone on a day generally set aside for families and Rembering what Christ did for us.

I did a whole lot of walking and thinking and trying to get all of this together that I need to over the next few weeks but still here I sit undecided as to how to follow up on the events that I generally refer to as my life. I sat down today and wrote a list of things that I need to do and I have to admit that there are some items that appear more than once because of their importance and my lack of responding to them for so long. The list has 10 items in all even though it is 15 items long that I will deal with over the next week so that I can get the ball rolling.

I also figured out what I will need to live on my own and how soon I can have all of the money saved up so that I can get out of here. It shouldn't be long now and I can't wait. I miss Eric I hope we get to talk again soon. He is so good when it comes to listening to me talk about nothing for hours because I get so flustered.

Remember the reason today (actually yesterday by now) is what it is and that only by the Grace of God have we all gotten to where we are right now. Have a great day.

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