Sunday, March 13, 2005

What a Week

So now is the time to do a bit of explaining to some of those who read this. I didn't give up my job for a guy, first and foremost because that seems to be the first big question when I tell people that I am not taking the job. I gave up the job because of so much more than a guy. It has been a rough few days trying to explain it to those who really need to know and frankly hide the fact from those who I don't want to know quite yet. When people hear that I have decided to put off moving there are several questions that inevitably follow so let me answer them here:

Are you okay?
--Yes I am fine although I am not saying that this has been an easy change of mind set for me. I honestly don't know what the future holds but for right now this is the choice that I had to make.

Do you have another job?
--No, which proves troublesome for someone with more money outstanding than is even reasonable because of college and the numerous cars that I have gone through in the past few years.

What are you planning on doing now?
--Wow, what a good question. I don't really know yet and that is very scary. Nothing better than putting yourself out there to be pulled and molded by God than when you have no idea what plans or direction you life is going to be taking, talk about faith. I plan on building some major faith and finding a new job as soon as possible.

Are you worried?
--Yes, more so than I have ever been and I have no idea what I am going to do right now but there is one thing that I am sure of, God is in control and I don't like not being in control so these next couple weeks are going to hurt but I will survive and be stronger because of them.

So as for what the future holds I have no idea and that freaks me out. I am going to regroup and continue to fight this battle till it is won. I will try to keep everyone up to date. Have a great day.

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