Saturday, March 26, 2005

Where to begin


So it has been a week since I have written anything here to follow up on what all is going on in my own little world here so here we go.

I had a good conversation with Bryan on the phone the other day only to have him hang up on me and discontinue the conversation with a promise that he would call me back, which he hasn't. We were talking about stability and goals and the lack of them he has and how he really needs to start thinking a bit more long term than he is. (okay the advice goes both ways but still at least I am aware of the fact). The conversation came to an abrupt halt when I told him that there are days that I sit and cry for him because I don't really know what else to do for him. I really do love Bryan, even though he gets on my nerves at times and I pray that he figures 'it' out whatever 'it' is.

My baby brother turned 18 this past week and is not proclaiming himself to be an adult however it does appear that he forgot the parts about paying his own bills and getting a job but what am I to do with that kind of information. He as really been a pain in my butt here lately and it just seems to be getting worse and worse because he really does feel that he is entitled to something.

Larry has recently come back into my life and I am still trying to figure out what I am going to do with all of that. It is clear that I do love him and that I miss him so much, imagine my surprise that after 3 years he walks into the church while I am standing on the platform. I was shocked to say the least but it was good and we have spent quite a bit of time talking over the last week. His girls have gotten so big of course they are in their teens now and that is kind of hard for me to wrap my brain around. We have had a lot of fun times this week and I look forward to them here in the future but I must decide where to draw the lines when it comes to how attached I am going to allow myself to get to Larry and the girls.

Last night I had a good time with coffee at Courthouse Coffee with Eric where we were by far the oldest two people in the whole place and that was including the staff. We talked about all kind of things which we do no matter where we go but since it was cold and rainy outside there was no real good place to go and walk or sit around and do nothing at so we just sat there and took up space, drove around, and really started to define the different aspects of our lives that we want to work on most and how they fit into the rest of our goals. So it was a great night of just hanging out and being together which is exactly what I needed.

Today was a long day at work, a phone call from Larry, and now homework for me who has gotten it down to an art form when it comes to putting it off till the last possible moment. So everyone have a great night and I will write soon and keep this place more up to date...I'm sure you've heard that one before.

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