Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Home Again

After two weeks of living somewhere else I again find myself at home but this time it is different. I am sitting here working on my all of packing and job hunting stuff knowing that I will not be here very long and that in just a few short days I will walk out these doors with all of my stuff with the intention of not living here ever again. This is not to say that it will not happen but it is my goal to not live with my mother again. I am after all a 23 year-old college graduate that needs to be out on her own in order to survive.

As I sit in a room full of stuff and that is all it is just stuff I am forced to reflect on different things and try to get it all in order. I have learned a few things already. I have way to much stuff which I don't need. Money is important but it isn't everything. And that this will not be successful if I don't get on it right away, so with that I go to pack somemore then to Fort Wayne to attempt to find a job. Have a good day everyone.


Anonymous said...

You aren't allowed to leave until your cousin knows how to find you. Let's see...I can find Calvary Temple (or whatever it's named now)...my aunt's house (in the huge neighborhood at the corner of coldwater and dupont)...and hmm...the mall. Other than that, I'm lost. Please fill me in or I'm coming after you. :-) (oh...and by "fill me in", I mean directions for dummies haha. happy for ya cuz)

Anonymous said...

your cousin here again....to share that my stupid msn won't work anymore for some reason...and that seems to be one of the few ways I talk to you...grr. We'll have to be in touch some way cuz. Love ya.