Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Ready or Not

Yesterday was a strange day as I have stated several times already.

I am now going to Tennessee with my friend Elaina on what appears to be last of our 'road trips' for a very very long time. She has job interview, actually she has two of them and then is planning to move down as soon as she is able to find a place to stay long term. Then in March sometime she will return to Warsaw for one last time to get married then off she will go.

Trisha, another good friend, is moving to Detroit in three weeks to start a new life away from everything that this town doesn't have to offer. She plans to go to school and work full time while she is up there and I truly pray that everything goes as well as she is planning for it to.

Chana, one of my dearest friends, moved away nearly six months ago and had a baby. I went to see her just over a week ago and realized that I too want a family but I don't want it the way she got it. I want to have that person who completes me and a father for my children but she will be a wonderful mom. Nonetheless she is gone over nine hours away in attempt to start her life over and move on from the mistakes that she has made. Is she trying to hide what happened, no I don't think so, I think she simply wants a chance to start new and face a little less criticism, if that is possible.

Then there is me. Ready to leave but not exactly sure where I am headed and how on earth I plan to get there. I am now literally positive that I am not staying in Indiana, but the question that follows is where are you going, and my answer is that I don't know. The next biggest challenge for me is deciding where to go to and how to break to everyone that I have finally in my life made a decision, and it is time for me to go. My dad's family is going to take it the hardest and I'm sure my mom and uncle will have to deal with the repercussions of some of and for that I'm truly sorry. So today is a Julia and God day, there will be much prayer and even more patients on my end. God has it in control and now I must accept it.

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