Saturday, August 28, 2004


So what do you do, you're facing your future with no idea how to handle it. Yes God has it in control but how do YOU handle it. Life is...well life. When I have more to offer that thought I'm sure I will.

struggling with the fact that I have fallen in love with someone and I'm fairly certain he doesn't love me the same way. Note to readers...Dating you best friend can be wonderful but it also makes things so much more difficult if it looks like things aren't going to work. I'm looking to move away from here because of it. He is my best friend and I can't imagine my life without him around but who is to say that I can't move on and away from him if I simply leave this place.

Trying to find a job and understand what on earth future holds me is a struggle, as my 23 birthday approaches and I face some of the hardest choices in my life, I come back to my blog title...putting it all together. I don't think all answers are black and white but how many times do you have to face the same situation before you quite trying to figure it out. Hard to say...I will let you know as soon as it happens.

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