Saturday, January 22, 2005

And it snowed

So last night was a long night and now I am 100% confined to my house until we get the drive way cleaned up. I can't even get out of my parking space. It is a bit overwhelming. Last night it just snowed and didn't stop for a long while. I did get to talk to Eric for a while but not a long while so it was nice to just stand outside and smile and chat with him. I love that boy, I don't think I can say that enough or perhaps I say it to much.

There are so many different things that need to be said that I don't know how to say. This is a good thing and it will allow me the time to really get the wording and the approach right.

Although I am disappointed about not being able to go away this weekend it has been good for me to just take some time for me. I don't do that real often and it really is nice. I have two more days to waist and I'm loving every minute of it. I don't like being trapped at home with a brother who can't drive anywhere because he managed to total mom's car but it is okay. As long as we try not to spend to much time in the same room it will all work out to be okay.

So I will be around all day tomorrow but I don't know where exactly I will be. I am also thinking that in the not so distant future I am going to go see Nina for a couple of days since she moved away. That seems to be a theme for single people in my church...Moving away. There really isn't anything here for us and that doesn't make staying any easier. So I am going to do stuff all night, I don't know what all 'stuff' is but it will no doubt be good for me.

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