Sunday, January 02, 2005

A Change

This last week has been full of changes for me not just one thing impartiality but many smaller changes that are not the easiest things to process when you are me. I am an over-thinker and if I didn't overanaylize things most people would be shocked if nothing more.

First of all a new year started which is a perfect opportunity to think about the things that have happened in your life, world events, and priorities. A new year wouldn't be right unless you think about the armed forces overseas, the horrible tsunami that hit Asia just one day after Christmas, the death of President Reagan, the hurricanes that ravished the south east over the last season, the end of Saddam Hussein's rule in Iraq, and many other 'big' stories that have crossed the media over 2004. It is amazing to watch and impossible for most of us to comprehend. I pray for everyone that these things touched.

My new job is something that I am starting to reconsider more and more. After spending an evening with Bryan and Eric on Thursday and getting to see Nolan on Wednesday, I have started to notice that I have many friends here that care about me. Watching Nolan care for his very sick wife, Jenn, gave me a chance to think about how much I want to come clean with the person that I care about it yet even when I stood in a room with him I couldn't do it. Bryan made me laugh and laugh and then laugh some more. It was a late night yet it was fun to just 'hang' out with old friends that I don't get to see nearly as often as I would like. Sitting at Bryan's house late into the night laughing and occationally talking seriously with friends was wonderful. Listening to Eric talk about his heightening sense of awareness when it comes to Biblical issues. It was also nice to get to see him smile again and talk about life and other misc. Issues that came up throughout the night. The drive home was nice too although I had forgotten that he really does live on the other side of the world, okay it is just the other side of the county but when driving there it seems to be the other side of the world.

When I attend church services is something else that I am really weighing out which isn't going to be easy for me or for the people that I am close to at my correct church, I have after all been there for over 7 years, yet I am getting the impression more and more that it is time for me to move on. Brittany and Anna will not take it will, which is funny to be because I am thinking about the 6 and 8 year old instead of the adults that I deal with it. I haven't made this decision final yet and I don't plan on jumping into something until I have really thought it out completely.

Tonight is my last night housesitting, yet over the last week and a half I have remembered why I want to live alone so bad. Misty has been a really good dog, that I have only had to correct every day. I have had a hot tub and an internet connection that has been wonderful yet when I get home I will once again go back to the old fashion dial up set up and that is okay I suppose. Now I have to do some laundry and dishes and then start to clean this house up more and play with the dog. Have a good day.

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