Friday, January 28, 2005

Defining moments

I'm not sure how often you should have a defining moment in life but there are several that I see in the not so distant future for me and they scare me because in many ways they will change the direction I am headed and what tools I will need to get there.

1. To find a special someone and settle down or remain single and forgo the whole 'family' thing
2. Career, career, career...I have spent several and by that I mean 5 in all now and quickly approaching 6 years in school and still am struggling to find something that I know I will love.
3. Truth, how do I explain everything as truthfully as possible and not get hurt in the long run.
4. Do I stay or do I go? The question so simple yet so very complex for me. There is so much at stake here and I know that I could be happy there.

The one moment that I have already had is letting go. It hurt and even as I write about it I sit here and cry. The relationship that I have tried to hold onto for so long is now gone and I will never have it again. I drew my lines and stood my ground and lost it all. I knew that could happen, I really did, but it doesn't make it hurt any less. The person that I could so easily have seen myself marrying is now out of my life and contact has been completely ended for the time being. I am sure that over time things will slowly change back to what we had before now.

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