Thursday, February 24, 2005

Power shift

Today was a day of power shifting in my life. There have been many opportunities that have come forth in my life and I haven't had a clue on how to deal with them. I know that it is not going be easy to deal with a flux of sorts in my own life. Today I have been all over the map emotionally. Let me recap my day.

Got up to go to work, no big deal really, but when I got to work I found out that there are several opening for office staff, that I had once again been overlooked for. This made me angry to say the least but I dealt with it and went to store management to see why I haven't even been considered for these jobs. So at work all day I was stressed out and I honestly don't know if I still work for Marsh Supermarkets, that is something that I will find out in the morning.

Went to church tonight, not because I wanted to but because I had to. Taught the 6-9 year olds and had a horrible time at it. This was my last week teaching and now I can cut my ties to the church which I am really looking forward to doing. Tonight was rough and sad and happy for me, I can now start off on a different journey from here.

Today I have laughed, cried, ripped peoples heads off (sorry to all of you it really wasn't personal), kicked, stomped, punched, and even cursed because of all of the emotions going on in my head at the moment. I don't know exactly where to put them and I am sure that I will sooner or later figure out a good place for them.

Bethaney will get to Fort Wayne in the morning and Elaina will get here some time early Saturday, man I miss them both but at the same time I don't want to face them with the choices that I have made of late because I know that both will be disappointed.

I leave for Salt Lake City in just over a week and I can' t wait to get away from here and take a break and get some confirmation from God on what in the world is going on in my life. So I am stressed out to say the least. Everyone have a good day.

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