Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The day after

Election...The day after. Today is the day that our country has been building up to for a long time. President Bush will return to office for 4 more years. He will lead out country till Dec. 31, 2008 and the choices he will make will affect my children and their children. I could even have children by the time he leaves office and that is a scary thought in and of itself.

John Kerry conceded the election sometime this morning while I was at work. It couldn't have been easy to do. To admit that you have lost such a pivotal election is a blow to anyone's ego. There is so much that goes into an election. Tom Brocaw spoke of it last night. Your emotions, your family, your name. You put it all out there to be run through the ringer everything is scrutinized. Your life is a wreck for well over a year. God bless the Kerry's as they attempt to return to what they consider a "normal" life.

President Bush won the popular vote which hasn't happened in the last several presidency. I know he must be happy with what has happened and that he will do everything that he can to work us out of the mess that we currently find ourselves in.

Last night I sat up watching the states come in one by won declaring who the electoral votes would go to and the fact that there was little change from four years ago.

God has given us 4 more years with President Bush and it has already been mentioned several times today that this rift that so deeply divides our country. Now we must enter a period of healing and mending. In 4 years there will be 2 new canidates but until then we will walk with this man. So as we as a country looks ahead to what is out there we should brace for anything as we have learned over the past 4 years knowing that God is still in control even when we're not.

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