Monday, November 15, 2004


There has been so much stress lifted off of me over the last 24 hours and it couldn't have come at a better time.

I found out this afternoon that I did in fact get the grade that was needed to stay in school and that my journey will continue. I will take larger steps toward getting my masters degree and then, Lord willing, I will do great things. I did not make the choice to get my masters degree because of the status that goes with completing it, but I did so because I am sure that there is more out there for me and I simply need to take the time to find it.

I have given much thought to teaching either college or high school. I may just do that. I am currently working through getting my teaching certificate and possible teaching at a local school. I don't know if it is in fact what I plan on doing long term but right now it feels right.

I am also reconstructing a friendship that I destroyed single handedly over the last few weeks. I know that I have made some mistakes and for me it is hard to admit it and that is huge. I hope to take our friendship back a few steps then work on rebuilding what was once so wonderful. I know that there will be a time of adjustment for both of us as we work to get through so of the issues that we both face right now. I am happy to get the opportunity today.

Church was great last night and really put a whole of things in perspective, which I usually need. Taking time to step back and look at these things was wonderful. I now know more than ever that the choices I am making are right.

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