Saturday, November 06, 2004

Kick Boxing

Kick boxing is a wonderful sport, especially when I am stressed out.

To get to go to the gym and punch and kick things without getting in any trouble in any way definitely has its benefits. I know that if I were to (and I have before) try my work out on my brother I would be in more trouble than even I can imagine. I may be 23 but for the moments I still live with my mom whom I have a healthy fear of.

This morning I woke up late because I didn't have to go to work, I really enjoy not having to work on a Saturday because it is when all the 'crazy' people come in to shop. It seems to me that they forget that other people work all week too.

I got dressed in my sweat pants and t-shirt, which my brother so lovingly pointed out looked horrible, and went to the gym. I know it looks bad I'm going to gym no need to dress up just to change clothes again. It feels good just to lounge around for a while and I am looking forward to fairly unproductive day. So everyone have a great day.

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