Monday, October 18, 2004

Alrighty then

Learn to listen, learn to listen, learn to listen, learn to listen. Try to understand, try to udnerstand, try to understand, try to understand. Don't panic, don't panic, don't panic, don't panic.

Okay so I have had a bit of a stressful day. A trip to the doctor's office again. I don't care about that exacpt that I do care. I can't panic so here I go not panicing, it should be fun to watch, at least for other people. Anyone who knows me at all knows that I have panicing down to an art form. I just drive myself crazy with what if's but right now what if is more than just a thought, it is very possible. I am going crazy, or so it seems for right now. I just get so frazled.

I'm getting tired and should think about going to bed after all it is 830, I think I'm getting old. There was a time when 830 was just getting started for me and now that thought of few extra hours of sleep is huge and I can't wait to hit that pillow. Have I mentioned that I have felt like crap for the last three months? I am starting to feel a bit better but it will be a bit before I get better.

So as I have so often, it is alrighty then, and I will get it figured out, or not.

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