Sunday, October 10, 2004


A common theme for this weekend amongst many of my friends has been sleep. Eric is having his first weekend without having to work thirds and got to sleep. ( Staci got a chance to sleep in for the first time in a very long time. ( But still here I sit severely sleep deprived and for no other reason than the fact that I simply don't enough of it. I stay up late...oh well...I get up early but again oh well and yet there are times I wonder why.

I spent some time with Tonya yesterday and it is good to see that over all she is doing well. I can't wait for them to get their new house and have space to call their own again. Madison (Tonya and Joe's baby) has gotten so big I can't hardly believe it. Wow. Alley is growing too and it is nice to hang out with adults that can admit that they don't have their lives in order but they are okay with that because they know it is simply a transition time.

Yesterday was a rough day for me, a huge piece of my past spent the night here which made things a bit strange for me and then in the midst's of all of that Bryan called me. Now first let me explain Bryan. I have known Bryan for a long time, almost as long as I have known Eric but we never really spent much time together, except when Eric and I were dating. He called last night just like we were old friends and we talked for an hour and a half which was nice but very random. I sat up part of the night thinking about how strange it was to hear from him. We talked about everything, literally, he is a very talkative person, which he always has been but I can also see how there would be times that I wouldn't particularly want to spend over an hour on the phone with him. We talked about his ex girlfriends, drinking, work, and just about everything else under the sun. I sat outside and froze while we talked because I don't get such great reception in the house and besides that the unwanted company wasn't making things any better. It was good to hear from him like I said, it is nice to know that although I wanted to kill him in high school he is okay and over all a fairly tolerable person.

My life has been eventful at best over the last couple of weeks. Wow things are changing. I still have a dream of being with the person that means so much to me but I am now more than ever certain that it isn't going to happen. I hope to take some time to walk and drink a lot of coffee this evening possibly even try to figure all this stuff we call life out. People with plans clearly have no idea what it is like to live with the mercy of God with you. You have to go where He wants you or you will simply be miserable forever. Now I have to go but I have so much more to write. I am not even sure where to begin.

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